The SEE-URBAN-WATER project ended in December 2023 -
This webpage will not be updated anymore!
We would like to sincerely thank all our collaborators and supporters!

SEE-URBAN-WATER was initiated and based at the Technical University of Darmstadt from 01.2018 - 02.2022. In March 2022, the project moved to Leibniz University Hannover, Germany.
The research group promotes knowledge through a transdisciplinary process to evaluate, develop, and implement Nature-based Solutions using novel methods, tools, and technologies. It works closely with local partners in the city of León, Nicaragua, as well as with the Municipalities of Heredia, Flores, Belén, Barva and San Rafael in the province of Heredia, Costa Rica.
The research objective of the case study Pochote River in León is to guide the planning processes of urban water management by introducing and implementing Nature-Based Solutions (NbS), as the city is currently undergoing rapid urbanization that threatens the riverine ecosystems. In another case study of Quebrada Seca-Burío in Costa Rica the implementation of NbS aims to restore ecosystem services in urban areas where the urbanization has been taking place from decades ago.