Suburban informal area


The Hugo Chavez district is a suburban settlement and a recent product of rapid urban expansion. It is a purely residential area; no supermarkets, restaurants, or hotels can be found. The social organization in this research area can be considered higher than in other districts due to the existence of a community coordinator and regular community meetings. There is only one road that connects the district to the city and a crossing point which consists of sandbags in the river bed. Regarding the district structure, there is a dispersed but organized distribution of buildings surrounded by green spaces.

Whilst they benefit from a functioning electrical supply, residents lack a sewage system and garbage collection service. Concerning the water supply, many households still depend on a public well despite having installed a water pipeline. This insufficient water supply system has created conflicts between uphill and downhill users. The district possesses a natural swimming pool, originating from a spring that is highly frequented by the local population and people from the nearby districts. This recreational facility seems to be predominately used by men. This water source, located in the middle of the residential area, could be used for multiple purposes such as irrigation or drinking water. The spring flows for about 400 m until it merges with the Pochote River. Uphill, the main disturbances include erosion processes caused by rain events, direct discharge of grey wastewater, and the burning of garbage, while downstream deforestation and land-use change for urbanization endangers the riparian zone.